
Medical & Health Care Provision Examples

You can pick and choose from these provisions about your child's medical and health care to include in your parenting plan.

These example provisions are flexible. You can include parts of them or alter the wording to fit your situation. You can also write additional provisions for your plan.

Check your location's custody guidelines to find out if your plan must include certain provisions about your child's medical and health care. Your plan can have extra provisions along with the required ones.

You'll find many more provisions in the Custody X Change parenting plan template.

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Sharing health treatment information

  • The parents must give each other the name and contact information of each health practitioner who examines or treats the child. They must share the information within __ days of the child's first interaction with that practitioner.
  • The parents must give each other information on any health examinations or procedures the child undergo within __ days of an examination or procedure beginning.
  • Each parent will ensure the other has the child's health insurance cards, vaccination records and essential health information (e.g., blood type, allergies).

Public health emergencies

Your plan should specify that the provisions in this section apply only while the country the child lives in has declared a public health emergency due to illness.

  • The parents must follow all national and local health department recommendations and ensure the child does as well. They will not unnecessarily put themselves or the child at risk of contracting the illness.
  • The parents must advise each other promptly if anyone in their household is exposed to the illness or exhibits symptoms of it. If testing is available, the affected person(s) and anyone in the household who was exposed to them must be tested for the illness and receive results before the next exchange of the child.
  • If anyone in a parent's household tests positive for the illness, that person must quarantine for the amount of time recommended by local health authorities and must not come into contact with the child during that time.

Health care expenses

  • For the child's health insurance coverage, Parent A will pay __% and Parent B will pay __%.
  • For the child's health care expenses (including co-pays), Parent A will pay __% and Parent B will pay __%.
  • For the child's dental insurance coverage, Parent A will pay __% and Parent B will pay __%.
  • For the child's dental expenses (including co-pays), Parent A will pay __% and Parent B will pay __%.
  • Before a parent orders nonemergency medical care for the child that would result in an out-of-pocket expense of over $__ to the other parent, the other parent must approve in writing.

The easiest way to make a parenting plan

Creating a parenting plan on your own can feel overwhelming. You have to address all possible situations while using airtight legal language.

Use technology to take the guesswork out of the equation. The Custody X Change app walks you through each step of creating a plan.

For provisions about your child's medical and health care, you'll work mostly in the app's "health" and "expenses and money" categories. They include the provisions you see above, plus many others.

The result will be a professional document that demonstrates your competence as a parent and secures your child's future.

The easiest and most reliable way to make a parenting plan is with Custody X Change.

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Factors to consider

Parenting plans:

Making a parenting plan

Changing your plan

Interstate, long distance

Temporary plans

Guides by location:

Parenting plans

Scheduling guidelines

Child support calculators

Age guidelines:

Birth to 18 months

18 months to 3 years

3 to 5 years

5 to 13 years

13 to 18 years


Joint physical custody

Sole physical custody

Joint legal custody

Sole legal custody

Product features:

Software overview

Printable calendars

Parenting plan templates

Journal what happens

Expense sharing

Parenting time tracking

Calculate time & overnights

Ways to use:

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